Tuesday 3 February 2009

March 27 2006

>Just to let you know that despite being bitten to death by mosquitos (will
>explain all) , coping with drinking till 4am every night so far and 30
>degree heat I am still alive and still having fun.
>I stayed on Ko Pa nang until yesterday when we moved upto Ko Tao, about 1.5
>hours north on a ferry. Still it was a lovely journey and only 30 degree in
>the shade so guess who never burnt, (ok for the record I put on factor 30
>every day, reapplying when required on all areas of skin that the sun can
>see) but still the colour is coming everyday.
>Since the last email I have been introduced to sights and sounds and all
>sorts of things that mother need not know but as she is reading this with
>Dad then now she might. For those more travelled I am have new favourite
>drink, samsung and more importantly samsung buckets 200baht, remember those
>Run or Whiskey or Vodka, coke and redbull in a bucket for sharing and
>drinking, lots of ice and the good times commence!!!
>I ended up at a beach party on Thursday night, with a fire and music and
>great laughs and we all went swimming around 3am as there was phosporus
>algae in the sea which when you splash and swim light up. So it was kind of
>like swimming in a flourescent tube.
>The next day we had at some point decided to go over the mountain through
>the jungle to hadrin and on the advice of my constant travelling friend
>tony decided not to wear long trousers but shorts and deet. However after
>about 15 mins trekking up a unmarked path going vertically up through
>jungle, I retired and returned back to the beach and caught a boat to
>hadrin which was easy and allowed me to recover. But the scary thing was
>that when we stopped for water, our legs went black with mosi and so I have
>about 100 bites, all which now dont itch as I have found a pharmacy and all
>is ok and healing well.
>The 1 hour trek took them 3.5 hours and they arrived weary and thirsty
>where as I was cool and rested but it did nearly kill me.
>That night we went to guys bar up in the jungle (about 10 mins stagger) to
>a all night rave, where it was explained to me that it was similar to what
>would be seen at a moon party, every one dancing to trance or pysche dance
>wearing luminous clothing and drinking lots. We stayed and danced till
>three where we proceeded to return back to the huts, I managed on the way
>back to cut open my big toe on something as the 100 baht flip flops are not
>really up to the job of trekking in the pitch black beleive me.
>On trying to wash the wound and cover it in plasters the village power went
>and so my phone then was the most useful it had been for about 6 moths, as
>it turned into a torch. With it so dark you could not see your I heard
>something and flashed the phone around and a saw shadow moving about the
>verdana with me, it was a dog and it promply fell asleep as I washed and
>made good my toe which is nearly fixed.
>So then we moved to Hadrin for the night and watched Liverpool V everton as
>they show all the football and rugby and other sporting events here so that
>was good although the food was rubbish as it was in an english bar!!!
>Then we met some girls and spent all night with them which was good again
>on buckets.
>And there we go almost up to date with everything. Ko Tao is cheap and a
>little same same however I love it. The heat is unbearable at night and in
>the bars and the stagnant pools of smelly mosquito filled water scare the
>living S*** out of me, but so far no runs and the imodium is safe at hand.
>Oh you will be pleased (well some will) to know that I have invested in a
>hammock bag (a handbag for men, but not a man bag as these are cheap cool
>and definately required) to carry all the crap you need to take round with
>you daily, books, money, camera, passport, sun lotion, mosi spray, tiger
>balm, water, sarong, etc etc
>As for photos, going to take a load today, its about 1.10pm here so really
>hot and bright but if I keep oiled and moving then it will be ok.
>I am off to Chang Mai on Thursday via 4x4, catamaran, taxi van, aeroplane
>and more areoplane so that will be a different day. Upto then maybe some
>scuba diving and a trip around the place to see more of it.
>I trust that you all well and I will update you later in the week ie friday
>or something like that.
>Off to live the dream some more and stay lucky.

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